The flag of Armenia has three horizontal stripes of the same width. The top color is red (Hex. Code D90012). It symbolizes the Armenian Highland, the Armenian people’s continued struggle for survival, maintenance of the Christian faith, Armenia’s independence and freedom. The second color – blue (Hex. Code 0033A0) represents the will of the people of Armenia to live beneath peaceful skies. Orange (Hex. Code F2A800) on the bottom emblemizes the creative talent and hard-working nature of the people of Armenia. The ratio of height and width of the flag is 1:2.
Coat of Arms
Armenian Coat of Arms is a complex image with many separate symbols. The main color of the coat of arms is golden (Hex. Code FFC44B). The holy mountain Ararat is in the middle with the Noah’s Ark on top and the mother river Araks flowing at the base of the mountain. It is surrounded with four coats of arms of glorious royal dinasties of historic Armenia. From top left: Bargratunides, Arshakounides, Artashesides and in the bottom right Rubenides. An eagle and a lion are holding the shield. Underneath the shield there the five vital elements – a sword, a branch of a tree, a bundle of spikes, a chain and a ribbon.
National Anthem
Armenian National Anthem is based on the poem written by one of the brightest Armenian poets of the 19th century – Mikael Nalbandyan. The name of the anthem is Our Fatherland or “Mer Hayrenik” in Armenian. The anthem of the First Republic of Armenia (1918-1920) had the same music which is written by a great composer Barsegh Kanachyan.
Ararat Mountain
The Holy Mountain Ararat is the most known Armenian national symbol. It is where the Noah’s Ark has landed, which led to the new beginning for the humanity and life on Earth. The mountain has two peaks – Small Ararat and Great Ararat. At 5164 meters the latter is the highest point of Armenian Par (Dance in Armenian) mountain range.
In Armenian khachkar means cross stone (khach – cross, kar – stone). Ever since adopting Christianity in 301 Armenians started carving crosses in stones to eternalize the religion and their devotion to it. Khachkars are made by hand. Besides the crosses there are also numerous national patterns and symbols engraved with them, which makes one very different from another. In fact, none of the two of them are alike. Only in Armenia there are about 50,000 unique khachkars. The size of them varies. The biggest of khachkar in the world is located close to St. Hovhannes Church in a monastic complex close to Erzrum city (currently in Turkey). The oldest khachkar found in Armenia dates back to 9th century, it is located on the territory of Mother Cathedral in Vagharshapat, Armavir.